
completed papers

Disentangling Exploration from Exploitation, April 2024, joint with Alessandro Lizzeri and Eran Shmaya.
The Dynamics of Networks and Homophily, December 2022, joint with Matthew O. Jackson, Stephen M. Nei, and Erik Snowberg.
Who Cares More? Allocation with Diverse Preference Intensities, November 2023, joint with Pietro Ortoleva and Evgenii Safonov.
Paying to Match: Decentralized Markets with Information Frictions, January 2023, joint with Marina Agranov, Ahrash Dianat, and Larry Samuelson.
Dominance Solvability in Random Games, September 2024, joint with Noga Alon and Kirill Rudov.
Safety in Markets: An Impossibility Theorem for Dutch Books, August 2005, revised July 2007, joint with David Laibson.

published and forthcoming papers

Contiguous Search: Exploration and Ambition on Uncharted Terrain, 2024, joint with Can Urgun, Journal of Political Economy, forthcoming, presented at 22nd ACM Conference on Economics and Computation, 2021.
Sequential Sampling by Individuals and Groups: An Experimental Study, May 2024, joint with Pëllumb Reshidi, Alessandro Lizzeri, Jimmy Chan, and Wing Suen, American Economic Review: Insights, forthcoming.
Coordination with Differential Time Preferences: Experimental Evidence, 2024, joint with Marina Agranov and Jeongbin Kim, American Economic Review: Insights, forthcoming.
Collective Progress: Dynamics of Exit Waves, 2023, joint with Doruk Cetemen and Can Urgun, Journal of Political Economy, Volume 131(9), pages 2402-2450.
Task Allocation and On-the-job Training, 2023, joint with Mariagiovanna Baccara and SangMok Lee, Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 207, 105587.
Dynamic Matching, 2023, joint with Mariagiovanna Baccara, in Online and Matching-Based Market Design (edited by Federico Echenique, Nicole Immorlica, and Vijay Vazirani), Cambridge University Press.
Experimental Economics: Past and Future, 2022, joint with Guillaume R. Fréchette and Kim Sarnoff, Annual Review of Economics, Volume 14, pages 777-794.
Top of the Batch: Interviews and the Match, 2022, joint with Federico Echenique, Ruy Gonzalez, and Alistair Wilson, American Economic Review: Insights, Volume 4(2), pages 223-238.
Centralized Matching with Incomplete Information, 2022, joint with Marcelo A. Fernandez and Kirill Rudov, American Economic Review: Insights, Volume 4(1), pages 18-33.
Constrained Retrospective Search, 2021, joint with Can Urgun, The American Economic Review (Papers and Proceedings), Volume 111, pages 549-553.
Equitable Voting Rules, 2021, joint with Laurent Bartholdi, Wade Hann-Caruthers, Maya Josyula, and Omer Tamuz, Econometrica, Volume 89(2), pages 563-589 (lead article), presented at 20'th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation, 2019.
Testing the Waters: Behavior across Participant Pools, 2021, joint with Erik Snowberg, The American Economic Review, Volume 111(2), pages 687-719.
Optimal Dynamic Matching, 2020, joint with Mariagiovanna Baccara and SangMok Lee, Theoretical Economics, Volume 15, pages 1221-1278.
What Makes Voters Turn Out: The Effects of Polls and Beliefs, 2018, joint with Marina Agranov, Jacob K. Goeree, and Julian Romero, Journal of the European Economic Association, Volume 16(3), pages 825-856 (selected for the Editor's Choice Collection).
Link to No Polls, Perfect Polls, and Lab Polls Instructions
Deliberating Collective Decisions, 2018, joint with Jimmy Chan, Alessandro Lizzeri, and Wing Suen, The Review of Economic Studies, Volume 85(2), pages 929-963.
Collusion through Communication in Auctions, 2018, joint with Marina Agranov, Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 107, pages 93-108.
Collective Self-Control, 2017, joint with Alessandro Lizzeri, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, Volume 9(3), pages 213-244 (winner of best paper award).
Experiments on Decisions Under Uncertainty: A Theoretical Framework, 2016, joint with Eran Shmaya, The American Economic Review, Volume 106(7), pages 1775-1801.
Choosing Peers: Homophily and Polarization in Groups, 2016, joint with Mariagiovanna Baccara, Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 165, pages 152-178.
Conformity in the Lab, 2015, joint with Jacob K. Goeree, The Journal of the Economic Science Association, Volume 1(1), pages 15-28.
Government Policy with Time Inconsistent Voters, 2015, joint with Alberto Bisin and Alessandro Lizzeri, The American Economic Review, Volume 105(6), pages 1711-1737.
The Interplay between Theory and Experiments, 2015, in the Handbook of Experimental Economic Methodology (edited by Guillaume Fréchette and Andrew Schotter), Oxford University Press.
Collective Dynamic Choice: The Necessity of Time Inconsistency, 2015, joint with Matthew O. Jackson, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, Volume 7(4), 150-178.
Present Bias and Collective Dynamic Choice in the Lab, 2014, joint with Matthew O. Jackson, The American Economic Review, Volume 104(12), pages 4184-4204.
Child-Adoption Matching: Preferences for Gender and Race, 2014, joint with Mariagiovanna Baccara, Allan Collard-Wexler, and Leonardo Felli, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, Volume 6(3), pages 133-158.
Homophily in Peer Groups, 2013, joint with Mariagiovanna Baccara, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, Volume 5(3), pages 69-96.
A Field Study on Matching with Network Externalities, 2012, joint with Mariagiovanna Baccara, Ayse Imrohoroglu, and Alistair Wilson The American Economic Review, Volume 102(5), pages 1773-1804 (lead article).
An Experimental Study of Collective Deliberation, 2011, joint with Jacob K. Goeree, Econometrica, Volume 79(3), pages 893-921.
Network Games, 2010, joint with Andrea Galeotti, Sanjeev Goyal, Matthew O. Jackson, and Fernando Vega-Redondo, The Review of Economic Studies, Volume 77(1), pages 218-244, reprinted in Coalition and Networks: 12 papers from 20 years of CTN Workshops (edited by Carlo Carraro), The Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM) Series.
The 1/d Law of Giving, 2010, joint with Jacob K. Goeree, Margaret A. McConnell, Tiffany Mitchell, and Tracey Tromp, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, Volume 2(1), 183-203.
Diffusion, Strategic Interaction, and Social Structure, 2010, joint with Matthew O. Jackson, in the Handbook of Social Economics, (edited by Benhabib, Bisin, and Jackson), Elsevier.
Costly Expertise, 2008, joint with Dino Gerardi, The American Economic Review (Papers and Proceedings), Volume 98(2), pages 187-193.
Information Acquisition in Committees, 2007, joint with Dino Gerardi, Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 62, pages 436-459.
Diffusion of Behavior and Equilibrium Properties in Network Games, 2007, joint with Matthew O. Jackson, The American Economic Review (Papers and Proceedings), Volume 97(2), pages 92-98.
Social Networks and the Diffusion of Behavior, 2007, joint with Matthew O. Jackson, Yale Economic Review, Volume 3(2), pages 42-47.
Deliberative Voting, 2007, joint with Dino Gerardi, Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 134, pages 317-338.
Diffusion on Social Networks, 2006, joint with Matthew O. Jackson, Economie Publique, Volume 16(1), pages 69-82.
What's in a Surname? The Effects of Surname Initials on Academic Success, 2006, joint with Liran Einav, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, Volume 20(1), pages 175-188.
Frequent Social Comparisons, Self-Esteem, and Negative Emotions and Behaviors: The Dark Side of Social Comparisons, 2006, joint with Judith White, Ellen Langer, and Johnny Welch, The Journal of Adult Development, Volume 13(1), pages 36-44.
Games with Espionage, 2004, joint with Eilon Solan, Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 47(1), pages 172-199.
Repeated Games with Incomplete Information on One Side: The Case of Different Discounting Factors, 1999, joint with Ehud Lehrer, Mathematics of Operations Research, Volume 24(1), pages 204-218.
A Note on Repeated Games with Non-Monotonic Value, 1997, International Journal of Game Theory, Volume 26(2), pages 229-234.

other writing

Finding the Balance between Research and Teaching,” joint with Mariagiovanna Baccara, in Thriving in Economics: Assistant Professor and Beyond (crowdsourced e-book), 2023.
Book Review of Explorations in Pragmatic Economics, by George A. Akerlof, Oxford University Press, 2007, The Journal of Economic Literature, Volume 45(2), pages 429-432.
Book review of Case-Based Decisions, by Itzhak Gilboa and David Schmeidler, Cambridge University Press, 2003, Economic Journal, Volume 113(485), pages F191-F192.
Last updated: August 2024